mountain bike hire

fall in love with mountain biking without owning a MTB

from $99/day

20% OFF when you book 2 or more days


how does it work?

Book Online

Chose the day you want to go riding

Pick Up / Delivery

Come pick up the bike; or we can deliver it the night before


Have fun!


Either drop it back to us or call/text to arrange for a pickup

pickup & delivery

We are located 5 minutes away from Hornsby Old Man Valley and 7 minutes from Westleigh H2O trails; so it's easiest to come pickup/drop off the bikes if you are riding those trails.

delivery area

If you are taking a trip away from Hornsby/Westleigh; we can deliver your bike the night before within the teal area in this map.



Phone Number

+61 432 932 000



Greenvale Grove
Hornsby, NSW 2077

Looking for a bit more information? Or a quote for a longer term booking?

Maybe you want to book that Commençal Meta TR in the picture above rather than our standard hardtails?